Aualé (aka Aalina)

- Editor: Software info & download
- Version: 1.2.0
- Games: played offline, from console, with the following settings (advice from the author):
Computation time: 3.6 seconds
- Execution: 1 single CPU thread (not configurable)
- Noticeable performance #1: best game result (23-25)
- Noticeable performance #2: almost perfect games (only 1 suboptimal move in the whole game)
Aualé Aalina (23)
48Stones (25)
Apr 17, 2021
- Aualé to start, 103 moves, 35 min
- Transcript: download pdf
- 3.6 seconds computation time
- CPU: 1.2 GHz Dual-Core Intel m3
Performance of "Aualé Aalina"
Best moves: 33% Suboptimal moves: 2% Worst moves: 0% No move decision to make: 65%
Lost game at move #19 Lost catch potential at move #63
- Best game result
- Almost perfect game (only 1 suboptimal move in the whole game)
- Series of 2-sided captures (pos. #10..#16)
- Series of 2-sided captures (pos. #34..#37)
- 1 krou
- Short game
48Stones (28)
Aualé Aalina (20)
Apr 17, 2021
- 48Stones to start, 180 moves, 55 min
- Transcript: download pdf
- 3.6 seconds computation time
- CPU: 1.2 GHz Dual-Core Intel m3
Performance of "Aualé Aalina"
Best moves: 60% Suboptimal moves: 1% Worst moves: 1% No move decision to make: 38%
Lost game at move #30 Lost catch potential at move #126
- Almost perfect game (1 suboptimal move until the 8-seed ending)
- A lot of chasing between North and South
- 1 krou
- Would have resulted 25-23 (instead of 28-20) if Aalina played perfect in the ending (pos. #126)
Awale Online

- Editor: Software info & download
- Version: 4.6.2
- Levels: Easy, Normal, Medium, Hard, Expert, Master
- Games: "Master" level, played offline
- Execution: 2 single CPU threads (not configurable)
- Noticeable performance: longest perfect start (26 moves)
48Stones (35)
Awale Online (13)
Mar 14, 2021
- 48Stones to start, 234 moves, 55 min
- Transcript: download pdf
- Master
- CPU: 2x 2.66 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon
Performance of "Awale Online"
Best moves: 26% Suboptimal moves: 3% Worst moves: 6% No move decision to make: 65%
Lost game at move #54 Lost catch potential at move #128
- Longest perfect start
- Awale Online sustains 25 perfect moves from the start of the game!
- 2 krous (+ a few aborted krous from both sides)
Awale Online (13)
48Stones (35)
Mar 14, 2021
- Awale Online to start, 185 moves, 45 min
- Transcript: download pdf
- Master
- CPU: 2x 2.66 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon
Performance of "Awale Online"
Best moves: 58% Suboptimal moves: 5% Worst moves: 5% No move decision to make: 32%
Lost game at move #1 Lost catch potential at move #160
- 2 krous
- Double-catch sequence (pos. #86)
- Basic
- Editor: Software info & download
- Version: 5.0.1
- Levels: Initiation, Beginner, Amateur, Grand Master
- Games: "Grand Master" level, with the following settings:
Computation time (from 30 to 3600 seconds) Analysis depth (from 12 to 25)
- Execution: 1 single CPU thread (not configurable)
48Stones (46)
Awale (2)
Feb 2, 2021
- 48Stones to start, 148 moves, 1 hr
- Transcript: download pdf
- Grand Master, 30 seconds, 25 depth
- CPU: 2x 2.66 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon
Performance of "Awale"
Best moves: 15% Suboptimal moves: 5% Worst moves: 7% No move decision to make: 73%
Lost game at move #8 Lost catch potential at move #20
- Two double-krous (pos. #57, #97)
- Perfect double-krou (15-seed catch, pos. #97)
- Triple-catch sequence (pos. #115)
48Stones (36)
Awale (12)
Feb 4, 2021
- 48Stones to start, 227 moves, 8 hrs
- Transcript: download pdf
- Grand Master, 3600 seconds, 25 depth
- CPU: 2x 2.66 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon
Performance of "Awale"
Best moves: 28% Suboptimal moves: 2% Worst moves: 3% No move decision to make: 67%
Lost game at move #36 Lost catch potential at move #109
- 3 krous
- 1 double-krou (pos. #107)
- 1 remarkable position with 6 seeds
- Very long game (8 hours, 227 moves)
Awale (8)
48Stones (40)
Feb 3, 2021
- Awale to start, 205 moves, 1 hr
- Transcript: download pdf
- Grand Master, 30 seconds, 25 depth
- CPU: 2x 2.66 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon
Performance of "Awale"
Best moves: 14% Suboptimal moves: 3% Worst moves: 6% No move decision to make: 77%
Lost game at move #1 Lost catch potential at move #124
- One double-krou (pos. #158)
- Classic 6-seed endgame (pos. #82)
- Long game
Awale (20)
48Stones (28)
Feb 4, 2021
- Awale to start, 62 moves, 3 hrs
- Transcript: download pdf
- Grand Master, 3600 seconds, 25 depth
- CPU: 2x 2.66 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon
Performance of "Awale"
Best moves: 55% Suboptimal moves: 6% Worst moves: 6% No move decision to make: 32%
Lost game at move #1 Lost catch potential at move #43
- Short game
- Basic
Do you know of a software to be benchmarked?
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Stay tuned!